| 1 | 1. | Work Session Item | New Employee Introductions
Rachel Dangerfield, Administrative Assistant
Jeff Dowling, Police Agent
Kyle Kalender, Police Agent
Alexia Gonzalez, Police Officer
Paulino Manzano, Police Officer
Anessa Mora, Police Officer
Erik Osuna, Police Officer
Juan Pinedo, Police Officer
Trevor Smythe, Police Officer | | |
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| 1 | 2. | Work Session Item | Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) 5-year Plan: Develop FY 2025/26 - 2029/30 plan and amend FY 2024/25. | | |
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| 1 | 3. | Work Session Item | Consolidated Plan Development. Receive an update and provide direction on development of the City’s next 5-year Fiscal Year (FY) 2025/26 - FY 2029/30 Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) for the use of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds. | | |
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| 1 | 1. | Consent Item | Authorization to read ordinances by title only. | | |
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| 1 | 2. | Consent Item | 2023/24 AB 1600 Report - Request for City Council to receive, review, and file the 2023/24 Impact Fee Report as required by State Law. | | |
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| 1 | 3. | Consent Item | Execution of Utility Joint Use Agreement: Authorize the City Manager to finalize the two (2) draft Southern California Edison Joint Use Agreement’s, then execute the two (2) finalized agreements and adopt Resolution 2024-66 for the Riggin Widening Project Kelsey St. to Shirk St. and Resolution 2024-67 for The Carlton Acres Commercial Project at the northeast corner of said intersection. (Resolutions required) | | |
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| 1 | 4. | Consent Item | Request Authorization to File Notice of Completion: Authorize the filing of a Notice of Completion for FY 22-23 Measure N Street Rehab - County Center St. from Houston Ave. to Riggin Ave. Project. | | |
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| 1 | 5. | Consent Item | Consider appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission: Appointment of Isaiah Farias, as recommended by the City Council sub-committee. | | |
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| 1 | 1. | Public Hearing Item | A Public Hearing to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 2024-17: A request by Derek Finnegan / Lars Anderson & Associates to amend Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-31 for the establishment of a 172,000 square foot commercial building for the sale of general retail merchandise with a fuel dispensing service station and a car wash, within the Commons at Visalia Parkway Shopping Center, located in the C-R (Regional Commercial) Zone. The project site is located on the southwest corner of South Mooney Boulevard and West Visalia Parkway (APNs: 121-620-004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 013, 014). | | |
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| 1 | 1. | Public Hearing Item | Upcoming City Council Meetings
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 @ 5:30 p.m. at 707 W. Acequia
Monday, December 16, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. at 707 W. Acequia
Note: Meeting dates and times are subject to change, check posted agenda for correct details. In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in meetings contact 713-4512.
Written materials relating to an item on this agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda are available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, 220 N. Santa Fe Street, Visalia CA 93292, during normal business hours. | | |
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