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Meeting Name: Visalia City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/3/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0608 11.Work Session ItemPresentation by the Streets Maintenance Division - Presentation and updates from the Streets Maintenance Division’s annual tasks and accomplishments.   Action details Video Video
24-0570 12.Work Session ItemReceive Report - Receive Industrial Land Inventory Analysis report and presentation.approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0603 13.Work Session ItemRiverway Sports Park Fencing Project - Request approval on the proposed location and design of the new fencing to be constructed at Riverway Sports ParkapprovePass Action details Video Video
24-0519 14.Work Session ItemProject Funded Fence Relocation for Sidewalk Construction: Authorize City staff to coordinate with Cen-Cal Construction to relocate private fencing along the south side of Riggin Avenue between Divisadero St. and Conyer St. as part of the project for a cost of $68,873.93, to allow for the construction of sidewalk as designed with the Riggin Ave Widening Project from Mooney Blvd. to Conyer St.approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0541 11.Regular ItemVisalia’s 2023-2031 Housing Element Certification Recognition   Action details Video Video
24-0495 11.Consent ItemAuthorization to read ordinances by title only.   Action details Not available
24-0450 12.Consent ItemAuthorization to accept recommended COPS Grant expenditures - Authorize and accept recommended expenditures for training, equipment, salary, and benefits for 1.5 police officer positions through the State of California fiscal year 2024-2025 Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) Program funds of $223,196 and $210,518 for fiscal year 2023-24 COPS Growth funds for a total grant of $433,714 and appropriate $33,714 the grant fund.   Action details Not available
24-0511 13.Consent ItemFire Station 56 Notice of Completion - Request authorization to file a Notice of Completion for the Fire Station 56 Project.   Action details Not available
24-0515 14.Consent ItemActions Pertaining to Valley Strong Stadium Expansion & Remodel of Clubhouse & Batting Cage: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an emergency Progressive Design-Build agreement with 4CGlobal, Inc. dba 4Creeks Build, for an amount to be determined; 2. Authorize the City Manager to award the construction management services to Vanir Construction Management, Inc. in the amount of $221,150.   Action details Not available
24-0563 15.Consent ItemAdopt Resolution for Updated VMT Thresholds - Request to adopt by Resolution No. 2025-04 an update to Vehicles Miles Traveled Thresholds and Implementation Guidelines pursuant to Senate Bill 743 and the California Environmental Quality Act.   Action details Not available
24-0571 16.Consent ItemOrdinance Adoption - Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 2025-01 for Zoning Text Amendment No. 2024-02, a request by the City of Visalia to amend Visalia Municipal Code Title 17 (Zoning) based on multiple factors including but not limited to: streamlining of land use review and changes in business and/or development trends and activity, citywide.   Action details Not available
24-0578 17.Consent ItemAuthorize Homekey+ Grant Application - Authorize staff to apply for Homekey+ funding not to exceed $12 million to assist with the development of Crescent Meadows, a senior affordable housing complex with 25 Homekey+ eligible units, upon the completion of the application by the partner agency Crescent Meadows, L.P. to fully comply with the grant and City requirements.   Action details Not available
24-0580 18.Consent ItemExecution of Southern California Edison Easement: Authorize the City Manager to execute Southern California Edison anchor easements and adopt Resolution 2025-03 for the Riggin Widening Project from Kelsey St. to Shirk St. (Resolution required)   Action details Not available
24-0597 19.Consent ItemConfirmation of reappointed and newly appointed Measure N Oversight Board members for review of all proposed Council spending plans for Measure N funds.   Action details Not available
24-0600 110.Consent ItemContract for the Purchase of Street Name Signs - Authorize the City Manager to award an annual contract for the supply and delivery of street name signs to Safeway Sign Company at an amount not to exceed $65,000 annually, totaling $325,000 over the life of the contract, from the Gas Tax Fund (111), with an option to renew annually for up to four (4) additional one-year terms.   Action details Not available
24-0602 111.Consent ItemLandscape and Lighting District Enhancement Project - Request authorization to file a Notice of Completion for the Lisendra Heights Landscape Enhancement Project, 5300 W. Whitendale Ave, Visalia, CA. (Project No. 2730-72000/CP0750-999).   Action details Not available
24-0604 11.Public Hearing ItemOrdinance Adoption - A Public Hearing and Introduction of the first reading of Ordinance No. 2024-12 for Zoning Text Amendment No. 2024-04: A request by the City of Visalia to amend Visalia Municipal Code Title 17 (Zoning Ordinance), Chapter 17.32.166 Short-Term Rentals, Citywide.approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0607 12.Public Hearing ItemAppeal of Planning Commission Action - A continued Public Hearing to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial of Conditional Use Permit No. 2024-29, which was a request to amend the hours of operation for the Jack in the Box drive-thru facility to 24-hours located at 1145 South Lovers Lane, in the Neighborhood Commercial zone.Approve as amendedPass Action details Video Video
24-0592 11.Public Hearing ItemUpcoming City Council Meetings Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m. at 707 W. Acequia Monday, March 3, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m. at 707 W. Acequia Note: Meeting dates and times are subject to change, check posted agenda for correct details. In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in meetings contact 713-4512. Written materials relating to an item on this agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda are available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, 220 N. Santa Fe Street, Visalia CA 93292, during normal business hours.   Action details Not available