Agenda Item Wording:
Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-06 approving the revision to Visalia Municipal Code Chapter 10.16.210, which regulates commercial vehicles in residential zones within the City of Visalia. A Notice of Exemption was prepared for the ordinance amendment in accordance with State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (Public Resources Code 21083). Notice of Exemption No. 2023-34 disclosed that the revisions to Section 10.16.210 will have no significant effect on the environment because the proposed ordinance will establish objective performance standards that regulate the parking of commercial vehicles in in residential zones.
Deadline for Action: 8/7/2023
Submitting Department: Community Development
Contact Name and Phone Number:
Jesse Villegas, Code Enforcement Officer, (559) 713-4191, Tracy Robertshaw, Neighborhood Preservation Manager, (559) 713-4187
Paul Bernal, Community Development Director, (559) 713-4025
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the Visalia City Council conduct the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 2023-06 amending Visalia Municipal Code Section 10.16.210 "Commercial Vehicles in Residential Districts" per the attached Ordinance No. 2023-06.
On July 17, 2023, the City Council held a public hearing to consider amending Visalia Municipal Code Section 10.16.210 regarding enforcement concerns and issues related to the parking of the large-scale commercial vehicles in residential districts.
During the public hearing, the City Council received a staff report, staff presentation, and received public comment. No persons spoke in opposition at the City Council meeting, and the City Council voted (5-0) to introduce the first reading of Ordinance No. 2023-06, amending Visalia Municipal Code Section 10.16.210 as provided in the attached ordinance.
The seco...
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