Agenda Item Wording:
Consolidated Plan Development. Receive an update and provide direction on development of the City's next 5-year Fiscal Year (FY) 2025/26 - FY 2029/30 Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) for the use of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds.
Deadline for Action: 12/3/2024
Submitting Department: Finance and Technology Services
Contact Name and Phone Number: Margie Perez, Housing Specialist,, (559) 713-4460; Melody Murch, Assistant Finance Director,, (559) 713-4379; Renee Nagel, Finance Director,, (559) 713-4375
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that Council:
1. Review community outreach results;
2. Provide input on high priority needs; and
3. Provide direction on preparation of the Draft Strategic Plan, Action Plan, projects, and program activities for the use of CDBG and HOME funding for the next 5-years.
Background Discussion:
As required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City develops a Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) every 5-years to guide the use of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funding. The 5-year ConPlan is the framework for the allocation of resources to support projects and programs benefiting low-and moderate-income people by increasing housing and economic opportunities, strengthening low-income neighborhoods, addressing public services, and providing for infrastructure needs. As part of the process for the next 5-year term (FY 2025/26 - FY 2029/30), staff has been working with a consultant, Baker Tilly, Inc. The process has included preparing and disseminating public notices, information flyers and surveys, collecting and analyzing surveys, conducting community public meetings and stakeholder interviews, and collecting the resul...
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