Agenda Item Wording:
Authorize Purchase of Equipment and Services from T-Mobile: Authorize the City Manager to enter into a (5) year contract with T-Mobile to provide cellular services in an amount not to exceed $670,000, to purchase equipment from T-Mobile in an amount not to exceed $300,000, and appropriate $90,324 for 5G mobile routers for Police vehicles.
Deadline for Action: 10/7/2024
Submitting Department: Finance and Technology Services
Contact Name and Phone Number:
Jaime Salazar, Information Systems Supervisor, 559-713-4121
John Howson, IS Manager, 559-713-4122
Renee Nagel, Finance & Technology Director, 559-713-4375
Department Recommendation:
It is recommended that the Visalia City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a (5) year contract with T-Mobile to provide cellular services in an amount not to exceed $670,000, to purchase equipment from T-Mobile in an amount not to exceed $300,000, and appropriate $90,324 for 5G mobile routers for Police vehicles.
Background Discussion:
In 2020, Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with T-Mobile to provide cellular services for City phones and devices. There are currently 357 lines of service with T-Mobile. These cover a range of devices from smart phones, tablets, wireless irrigation controllers, field time clocks, drones that relay video signal, smart cameras, vehicle safety monitoring, real-time field collection, public safety in-car camera systems, and more. In April 2020, following the Council approval in January of 2020, the City was able to secure 323 lines of smart phone service from T-Mobile for Public Safety at no cost through April of 2030 as part of their Connecting Heroes program.
Staff evaluated service plans and coverage from the top cellular providers in our region, AT&T, FirstNet, T-Mobile, and Verizon. After extensive t...
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