Agenda Item Wording:
Presentation by Tulare County Health and Human Services - Presentation on California’s implementation on Proposition 1, funding opportunities and an update on the Care Court implementation.
Deadline for Action: N/A
Submitting Department: Administration
Contact Name and Phone Number: Leslie B. Caviglia, City Manager, 713-4332
Department Recommendation:
It is recommended that the Visalia City Council receive this report by Tulare County representatives Anita Ortiz, Health and Human Services Associate Director, and Natalie Bolin, Behavioral Health Director. The presentation (copy attached) will include an overview of Prop 1 (California Mental Health Act passed earlier this year) along with a discussion around future funding opportunities through round 1 and round 2 of the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program. Additionally, it will give an update on Care Court and SB 43, which will make significant changes to LPA law (guidelines for handling involuntary civil commitment of individual to mental health institutions) by expanding the definition of gravely disabled (5150) along with the planning and preparation for these upcoming initiatives.
Fiscal Impact:
Prior Council Action: N/A
Other: N/A
Alternatives: N/A
Recommended Motion (and Alternative Motions if expected):
Information only; no action required.
Environmental Assessment Status: N/A
CEQA Review: N/A
Attachments: Presentation