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File #: 24-0604    Version: 1
Type: Public Hearing Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/22/2025 In control: Visalia City Council
On agenda: 2/3/2025 Final action:
Title: Ordinance Adoption - A Public Hearing and Introduction of the first reading of Ordinance No. 2024-12 for Zoning Text Amendment No. 2024-04: A request by the City of Visalia to amend Visalia Municipal Code Title 17 (Zoning Ordinance), Chapter 17.32.166 Short-Term Rentals, Citywide.
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Ordinance No. 2024-12, 2. Attachment 2 - PowerPoint Presentation
Agenda Item Wording:
Ordinance Adoption - A Public Hearing and Introduction of the first reading of Ordinance No. 2024-12 for Zoning Text Amendment No. 2024-04: A request by the City of Visalia to amend Visalia Municipal Code Title 17 (Zoning Ordinance), Chapter 17.32.166 Short-Term Rentals, Citywide.

Deadline for Action: 2/3/2025

Submitting Department: Community Development

Contact Name and Phone Number:
Josh Dan, Senior Planner,, (559) 713-4003
Paul Bernal, Community Development Director,, (559) 713-4025

Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the City Council hold a public hearing and introduce the first reading of Ordinance No. 2024-12, amending Title 17 (Zoning Ordinance), Chapter 17.32.166 Short-Term Rentals to include fines for non-compliance, Citywide.

On January 21, 2025, Ordinance No. 2024-12 was introduced for the first reading, but the item was continued to the February 3, 2025, City Council meeting at the request of the City Council.

Background Discussion:
The City Council, in response to several inquiries regarding Short-term rentals, directed staff to explore potential options regarding the ability to regulate this use in residential zones. On October 16, 2023, the City Council introduced the first reading of a Zoning Text Amendment (i.e., ZTA No. 2023-01) that established codified performance standards regulating short-term rentals occurring in all residential zones (i.e., R-1 and R-M zones). In addition, the City Council directed staff to return in 60 to 90 days after the STR ordinance took effect for further discussion on potential revisions to the ordinance.
On February 20, 2024, staff presented an update on the STR ordinance and included additional information that could be further considered to help in getting STR owners/operators legally permitted. During the discussion of this work session item, a majority of City Council concluded that due to the limite...

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