Agenda Item Wording:
Solid Waste Truck Replacement Grant Program - Authorize the adoption of Resolution No. 2024-55 approving the application for a San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) grant for the purchase of an all-electric residential solid waste truck. Authorize the public works department to apply for the Truck Replacement Grant Program to aid in the purchase of a new all-electric solid waste vehicle.
Deadline for Action: 10/7/2024
Submitting Department: Public Works
Contact Name and Phone Number: Jason Serpa, Public Works Manager,, 713-4533 Nick Bartsch, Public Works Director,, 713-4052
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2024-55 approving the application to the San Joaquin Valley Air Control Pollution District Truck Replacement Program to aid in the purchase of an all-electric solid waste vehicle.
Background Discussion:
In accordance with the City's approved FY 24/25 Capital Improvement Budget, the Solid Waste Department is scheduled to purchase the following trucks for replacement:
(2) Commercial Front Loader CNG (VH0309)
(5) Residential Side Loader CNG (VH0305)
Before taking the request for authorization to purchase the scheduled trucks to Council at a later date, staff is requesting the approval to apply for the Truck Replacement Program grant offered by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District that can pay to offset the cost of one (1) residential side loader. The purchase to replace this residential side loader is unique to the City Public Works Department as the new truck being purchased will be an all-electric Peterbilt 520EV.
The Solid Waste Department is proposing the purchase of an electric truck to help satisfy the Advanced Clean Fleet regulations that the State of California has mandated for the future. With the benefits listed below, staff feels that the department has an opport...
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