Agenda Item Wording:
Authorization to Award Material Testing Lab Services Contract - Award and authorize the City Manager to execute a one-year contract with five (5) materials testing consulting firms consisting of Krazan & Associates, Moore Twining Associates, Kleinfelder Inc., NV5 Inc. and BSK Associates; and place these firms on an on-call list to provide material testing services in support of the City's Capital Improvement Projects. Each contract will be eligible for annual renewal up to four (4) additional consecutive years. The annual contract for each consultant shall not exceed $300,000 without additional authorization from the City of Visalia.
Deadline for Action: 1/11/2025
Submitting Department: Community Development
Contact Name and Phone Number:
Rudy Lopez, Associate Engineer,, 713-4270
Rebecca Keenan, Senior Civil Engineer,, 713-4541
Christopher Crawford, City Engineer,, 713-4331
Jason Huckleberry, Engineering & Building Director,, 713-4495
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a one-year contract with five (5) materials testing consulting firms consisting of Krazan & Associates, Moore Twining Associates, Kleinfelder Inc., NV5 Inc. and BSK Associates; and place these firms on an on-call list to provide material testing services in support of the City's Capital Improvement Projects. Each contract will be eligible for annual renewal up to four (4) additional consecutive years. The annual contract for each consultant shall not exceed $300,000 without additional authorization from the City of Visalia.
Background Discussion:
The City of Visalia received eight (8) Proposals in response to the Request for Qualifications for Annual Material Testing Services (RFQ 23-24-04). The selected qualified firms will be able to provide services for local, state & federal C...
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