Agenda Item Wording:
Cannabis Business Update - Provide staff direction on potential next steps pertaining to the authorization of Cannabis Businesses in the City of Visalia and depending upon the option selected, amend the contract, and appropriate $5,000 from the General Fund.
Deadline for Action: 3/3/2025
Submitting Department: Community Development
Contact Name and Phone Number:
Devon Jones, Economic Development Manager,, (559) 713-4190
Department Recommendation:
Receive the staff report and presentation and authorize staff to proceed with one of three potential courses of action:
1. Proceed with drafting a cannabis business ordinance for adoption and during the adoption process set the number of businesses permitted to operate in the City of Visalia to zero effectively establishing the regulatory framework for such businesses but not yet permitting such businesses to operate within the City.
a. This would require a contract amendment for an additional $17,050 due to $7,550 remaining on the current contract. Actual cost is dependent on in person attendance required of HdL consultant for any City Council meetings.
2. Proceed with drafting a cannabis business ordinance and potentially allowing such businesses to operate within the City upon adoption of the ordinance.
a. This would require a contract amendment for an additional $17,050 due to $7,550 remaining on the current contract. Actual cost is dependent on in person attendance required of HdL consultant for any City Council meetings.
3. Do not proceed with drafting a cannabis business ordinance and instead acquire cannabis ordinance examples and a conceptual work plan from HdL for potential use at a later time.
a. This approach should not require an amendment to the existing service contract.
Staff is also proceeding with assistance from HdL to determine an appropriate apportionment formula and policy to collect any such voter approved taxes on cannabis deli...
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