Agenda Item Wording:
Award Construction Material Testing Services - Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with NV5, Inc. in the amount of $272,323.60 to provide construction materials acceptance testing services for the Shirk St. Capacity Enhancement Project.
Deadline for Action: 1/11/2025
Submitting Department: Community Development
Contact Name and Phone Number:
Diego Corvera, Senior Civil Engineer,, 713-4209
Dolores Verduzco, Financial Analyst,, 713-4540
Chris Crawford, City Engineer,, 713-4331
Jason Huckleberry, Engineering and Building Department Director,, 713-4495
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with NV5, Inc. in a not-to-exceed amount of $272,323.60 to provide construction materials acceptance testing services for the Shirk St. Capacity Enhancement Project.
Background Discussion:
The Shirk Capacity Enhancement project spans from School Ave to Riggin Ave and consists of widening the east side of Shirk St at various locations to accommodate four lanes of travel with a center two-way left turn lane, buffered Class II bike lanes and the installation of approximately 8,200 lineal feet of 48” diameter sewer main and associated infrastructure in the existing street. The project will modify existing traffic signals to accommodate the new street configuration as well as install a new traffic signal at Doe Ave and Shirk St.
As directed by the City Council through a prior budget process, the operational improvement widening of Shirk Street between School Ave and Riggin Avenue will be implemented as soon as possible, and the full, ultimate arterial street design requirements will be implemented as a subsequent phase, as further development occurs, and the needed right of way is dedicated to the City. City staff estimates that this Shirk corridor capacity enhancement project will operate at a reasonable level of service for a minimum of 10 years.
The City of Visalia Purchasing Division issued a request for Qualifications (RFQ) to retain up to five (5) qualified consulting firms to provide Material Testing Services on an on-call basis. The City received and reviewed eight (8) proposals in response to the solicitation. A selection committee reviewed and ranked each proposal to develop a list of five qualified firms. The firms selected were as follows:
1. Krazan & Associates, Inc. from Clovis, CA,
2. Moore Twining Associates, Inc. from Fresno, CA,
3. Kleinfelder from Fresno, CA,
4. NV5 West, Inc. from Bakersfield/Visalia, CA and
5. BSK Associates from Fresno, CA.
The on-call contract is a one-year contract with up to 4 additional one-year renewals.
The top five (5) Consultants listed above all met the requirements presented in RFQ 23-24-04 and have all worked on various City projects in the past with positive reviews from City’s construction managers and listed references. These testing laboratories have field technicians that are located within a 45-mile radius of the City Limits of Visalia which is very beneficial when testing services are required on short notice. In addition, all personnel and laboratories for these firms are all properly certified.
NV5 West, Inc. was selected for the material testing services for the Shirk Capacity Enhancement project as they are a qualified and capable firm, and they will have seamless coordination with the project construction manager who is the same company, NV5, Inc.
Project Timeline:
Shirk Capacity Enhancement Project - Construction awarded September 2024, project anticipated to begin in early 2025.
Fiscal Impact:
The Shirk St Capacity Enhancement Project is a multi-funded project with funds budgeted from the Gas Tax Fund (111), Wastewater Trunkline Fund (231), Storm and Sewer Construction fund (221) and Measure R local Fund (131).
Shirk Capacity Enhancement Project Budget |
Shirk Street Project Budget |
Gas Tax (fund 111) |
$2,430,699.20 |
Measure R Local (Fund 131) |
$6,141,000.00 |
Wastewater Trunkline (Fund 231) |
$13,294,721.69 |
Storm Sewer Construction (Fund 221) |
$845,017.00 |
Total Project Funding |
$22,711,437.89 |
Estimated Project Costs: |
Project Management |
$350,000.00 |
Design Services |
$810,000.00 |
Acquisition Cost (ROW) |
$396,299.24 |
Misc Administration Fees (RR permit) |
$3,000.00 |
Utility Relocation SCE (distribution pole relocation) |
$150,000.00 |
Cal Water Relocation |
$35,000.00 |
Railroad Coordination |
$50,000.00 |
Construction Sewer Installation Base Bid (B) + CO#1 |
$10,544,408.00 |
Construction Street Construction Base Bid (A) |
$6,446,225.00 |
Construction Contingency |
$1,098,014.50 |
Construction Management ~(3%) |
$452,167.06 |
Construction Materials Testing Services |
$272,323.60 |
Construction Services (Inspection, Survey) |
$960,993.28 |
Total Estimated Project Costs: |
$21,568,430.68 |
Surplus (Deficit) |
$1,143,007.21 |
The Shirk St. Capacity Enhancement Project is currently fully funded.
Prior Council Action:
December 16, 2024
Construction Change Order: City Council approved construction change order #1 in the amount of $546,408 to Avison Construction Inc. for the Shirk Capacity Enhancement Project and appropriated $845,017 from the Storm Sewer Construction Fund (221).
October 21, 2024
Construction Management Services Contract Award: Authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with NV5, Inc. to provide construction management services for two City Projects 1) Shirk Street Capacity Enhancement Project from School Ave to Riggin Ave and 2) Riggin Avenue widening Project from Kelsey St to Shirk St in the amount of $545,707.60 & $259,369.23 respectively, combined total of $805,076.83.
September 21, 2024
RFB Award & Appropriation of Funds: Authorize City Manager to award the construction contract to Avison Construction Inc. for RFB 23-24-19, Shirk Capacity Enhancement Project from School Avenue to Riggin Avenue in the amount of $16,444,225.00 and authorize additional appropriation of funds.
October 16, 2023
Authorized the City Manager to approve Amendment No. 2 with Quad Knopf Consultants for additional professional design services in the amount not to exceed $139,635.
September 20, 2021
Public hearing to consider and adopt a Resolution of Necessity to acquire portions from three separate properties APN 077-780-003; 077-640-001 and 077-650-001 generally located along Shirk Street between Riggin Avenue and Goshen Avenue for the purpose of widen Shirk Street.
August 3, 2020
Adoption of Resolution No. 2020-42 authorized the acceptance of portions of an “Irrevocable Offer of Dedication” for street right-of-way on the east side Shirk Street just north of Ferguson Avenue and between Doe Avenue and Goshen Avenue. In addition, adopted resolution No. 2020-43 designating a portion of City owned property located at APN 077-710-077 which is property located along the east side of Shirk Street just south of Ferguson Avenue, as part of the public City Street System.
October 21, 2019
Authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with Quad Knopf, Inc. for RFP 19-20-08 to prepare Plans, Specifications, and Estimates for the Shirk Capacity Enhancement and Sewer Trunkline Project in the amount not to exceed $533,746.
Recommended Motion (and Alternative Motions if expected):
I move to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with NV5, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $272,323.60 to provide construction materials acceptance testing services for the Shirk St. Capacity Enhancement Project.
Environmental Assessment Status:
CEQA Exemption - 2024-48
1. Project Location Map
2. NV5 West Inc., Ownership disclosure form