Agenda Item Wording:
Execution of Southern California Edison Easement: Authorize the City Manager to execute Southern California Edison anchor easements and adopt Resolution 2025-03 for the Riggin Widening Project from Kelsey St. to Shirk St. (Resolution required)
Deadline for Action: 2/3/2025
Submitting Department: Community Development
Contact Name and Phone Number:
Diego Corvera, Senior Civil Engineer,, 559-713-4209
Jim Koontz, City Attorney, <>, 559-372-2403
Chris Crawford, City Engineer, 559-713-4331
Jason Huckleberry, Engineering and Building Department Director,, 713-4495
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Southern California Edison (SCE) anchor easement (Serial no. 73622A) and adopt Resolution 2025-xx as required for the transmission pole relocation at Riggin Avenue and Shirk Street intersection to accommodate the Riggin Widening Project Kelsey St. to Shirk St. These easements were prepared by the City of Visalia, accepted by Southern California Edison and reviewed and approved by the City Attorney.
Background Discussion:
The purpose of the Riggin Widening Project Kelsey St. to Shirk St. is to increase vehicle capacity on Riggin Avenue by adding additional lanes and to provide for an efficient flow of traffic to support growing industrial development within the surrounding area. The City Council identified this segment of Riggin Avenue as a priority transportation corridor and to advance its construction through the use of Measure R Regional Bond Funds at the December 3, 2019 City Council Work Session meeting.
Before any roadway construction can begin the Southern California Edison (SCE) transmission poles in conflict with the project will need to be relocated to their ultimate location. This anchor easement will establish the area necessary for anchor support infrastructure that is required for the relocation of the transmission poles surrounding the Riggin Ave. and Shirk St. intersection. This easement needs to be executed and recorded to mobilize SCE crews to relocate their facilities.
Project Status
Riggin Widening Project Kelsey St. to Shirk St. is currently at 100% design and ready for advertisement. Environmental phase and ROW phase have been completed and federal construction funding has been obligated. Utility relocation is anticipated to begin in February of 2025 with road construction in Q1 2025.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no fiscal impact at this time. Council previously approved on August 5, 2024, the agreement with SCE that established financial responsibility of the cost to relocate the transmission poles associated with the Riggin Avenue Widening Project Kelsey St. to Shirk St. Below is the project budget breakdown for reference.
Riggin Avenue Widening Project Kelsey St. to Shirk St. Budget |
Project Budget |
Measure R Regional Funds (Fund 133) |
$1,700,000.00 |
Traffic Impact Fee (Fund 241) |
$4,775,000.00 |
Economic Development Administration Grant |
$4,000,000.00 |
Total Project Funding |
$10,475,000.00 |
Estimated Project Costs: |
Project Management |
$150,000.00 |
Design Services |
$375,000.00 |
Acquisition Services |
$50,000.00 |
Land Acquisition (Right-of-way) |
$1,150,000.00 |
Utility Relocation (SCE relocation Agreement) |
$1,081,000.00 |
Construction (Estimate) |
$9,071,445.00 |
Construction Contingency (~10% of Construction) |
$1,000,000.00 |
Construction Management ~(3.5%) |
$259,369.23 |
Construction Services (Material Testing, Inspection, Survey) ~ (7.5%) |
$680,358.38 |
Total Estimated Project Costs: |
$13,817,172.61 |
Surplus (Deficit) |
($3,342,173) |
Although the project cost estimate for the Riggin Ave Widening project currently identifies a budget deficit, construction for this project has not yet been awarded. Staff will return to Council at the time of construction award and request additional funds as necessary to complete construction.
Prior Council Action:
December 3, 2024
Authorized the City manager to finalize the two (2) draft Southern California Edison Joint Use Agreement’s, then execute the two (2) finalized agreements and adopt Resolution 2024-66 for the Riggin Widening Project Kelsey St. to Shirk St. and Resolution 2024-67 for the Carlton Acres Commercial Project at the northeast corner of said intersection.
October 21, 2024
Authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with NV5, Inc. to provide construction management services for two City Projects 1) Shirk Street Capacity Enhancement Project from School Ave to Riggin Ave and 2) Riggin Avenue Widening Kelsey St to Shirk St in the amount of $545,707.60 & $259,369.23 respectively, combined total of $805,076.83.
August 5, 2024
Council authorized the execution of Southern California Edison (SCE) Facilities Relocation Agreement for $1,081,000.00 and adopt resolution 2024-46 for the Riggin Avenue Widening Project Kelsey St to Shirk St. Project.
October 17, 2022
Council accepted grant award from the U.S. Economic Administration (EDA) for $4,000,000 and executed the EDA grant agreement for the construction of Riggin Avenue Widening project from Kelsey St to Shirk St.
March 21, 2022
Adopted resolution No. 2022-09 certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 2021-62 prepared for CEQA compliance as part of the Economic Development Administration (EDA) ARPA Grant for construction of the Riggin Widening Project from Kelsey Street to Shirk Street (State clearing house No. 2022010046) (Resolution No. 2022-09 required).
March 15, 2021
Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Pursuant to G.C. Section 54956.8 Property: Portion of APN 077-200-006 generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Riggin Avenue and Shirk Street.
Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Pursuant to G.C. Section 54956.8 Property: Portion of APN 077-100-088 generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Riggin Avenue and Shirk Street.
Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Pursuant to G.C. Section 54956.8 Property: Portion of APN 077-480-001 generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Riggin Avenue and Kelsey Street.
September 8, 2020
Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Pursuant to G.C. Section 54956.8 Property: Portion of APN 077-480-001 generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Riggin Avenue and Kelsey Street.
None Recommended
Recommended Motion (and Alternative Motions if expected):
I move to authorize the City Manager to execute Southern California Edison anchor easements and adopt Resolution 2025-03 for the Riggin Widening Project from Kelsey St. to Shirk St.
Environmental Assessment Status:
Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 2019-73.
1. SCE anchor easement serial no. 73622A
2. Resolution No. 2025-03 SCE Anchor Easement serial no. 73622A
3. SCE Transmission Pole Relocation Map - Riggin Widening Project
4. Location Map