Agenda Item Wording:
Record Tentative Parcel Map - A request to record the final parcel map for Tentative Parcel Map No. 2023-04, subdividing an existing 468-acre parcel at the northeast corner of Shirk Street and Riggin Avenue into eight parcels for commercial use with one remainder parcel
Deadline for Action: None
Submitting Department: Community Development
Contact Name and Phone Number: Edelma Gonzalez, Associate Engineer, <>, (599) 713-4364 - Jason Huckleberry, Building and Engineering Director <> (559) 713-4495
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the recordation of the final parcel map for Tentative Parcel Map No. 2023-04, subdividing 28.7 gross acres of Commercial Mixed-Use designation into eight commercial parcels on the northeast corner of Shirk Street and Riggin Avenue, with one remainder parcel totaling approximately 439.3 acres as approved within the Carleton Acres Specific Plan.
Background Discussion:
Tentative Parcel Map 2023-04 coincides with the commercial development layout depicted in the Carleton Acres Specific Plan. This includes the establishment of a future Costco Warehouse store on Parcel 1, a gas station and car wash on Parcels 2 and 3, and conceptual commercial development on Parcels 4 through 8. Reciprocal access and utility easements are established between the Costco portion and the conceptual commercial development and for the creation of access points along Riggin Avenue and Shirk Street.
Street improvements to arterial and local roadways are required within the specific plan area as part of the commercial development project associated with Tentative Parcel Map 2023-04. Shirk Street and Riggin Avenue are designated 110-foot wide arterial streets with four travel lanes at full buildout.
Tentative Parcel Map No. 2023-04 provides right of way dedications for portions of Shirk Street, Riggin Avenue, and the west half of Denton Street. The east half of Denton Street is outside the subdivision map boundary and are dedications via separate instrument.
Fiscal Impact:
Impact fees will be assessed at time of development of each commercial parcel.
Prior Council Action: N/A
Other: Committee/Commission Review and Action: Tentative Parcel Map No. 2023-04 was approved by the Planning Commission on September 11th, 2023.
Alternatives: None Recommended
Recommended Motion (and Alternative Motions if expected):
I move to authorize the recordation of the final parcel map for Tentative Parcel Map No. 2023-04.
Environmental Assessment Status: Previously approved Environmental Impact Report for Carleton Acres Specific Plan project, certified October 2, 2023 (SCH #2021050418)
CEQA Review: Previously approved Environmental Impact Report for Carleton Acres Specific Plan project, certified October 2, 2023 (SCH #2021050418)
Attachments: 1. Parcel Map 2. Aerial Map