Agenda Item Wording:
Solid Waste Truck Replacement Grant Program - Authorize the adoption of Resolution No. 2024-55 approving the application for a San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) grant for the purchase of an all-electric residential solid waste truck. Authorize the public works department to apply for the Truck Replacement Grant Program to aid in the purchase of a new all-electric solid waste vehicle.
Deadline for Action: 10/7/2024
Submitting Department: Public Works
Contact Name and Phone Number: Jason Serpa, Public Works Manager,, 713-4533 Nick Bartsch, Public Works Director,, 713-4052
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2024-55 approving the application to the San Joaquin Valley Air Control Pollution District Truck Replacement Program to aid in the purchase of an all-electric solid waste vehicle.
Background Discussion:
In accordance with the City’s approved FY 24/25 Capital Improvement Budget, the Solid Waste Department is scheduled to purchase the following trucks for replacement:
(2) Commercial Front Loader CNG (VH0309)
(5) Residential Side Loader CNG (VH0305)
Before taking the request for authorization to purchase the scheduled trucks to Council at a later date, staff is requesting the approval to apply for the Truck Replacement Program grant offered by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District that can pay to offset the cost of one (1) residential side loader. The purchase to replace this residential side loader is unique to the City Public Works Department as the new truck being purchased will be an all-electric Peterbilt 520EV.
The Solid Waste Department is proposing the purchase of an electric truck to help satisfy the Advanced Clean Fleet regulations that the State of California has mandated for the future. With the benefits listed below, staff feels that the department has an opportunity to not only obtain funding, but the ability to realize some benefits:
1. The Truck Replacement Program Grant requires that the truck being replaced is a 2017 or older engine model year. The trucks that are due to be replaced this fiscal year are of 2015 model years, and this replacement round will be the last of any truck purchased before model year 2017.
2. Because the City has chosen the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) milestones option, this zero-emission vehicle addition to the fleet would help the City meet this requirement under the State’s Advanced Clean Fleet (ACF) regulation for 2025.
3. While the purchase of this truck would be a pilot for future expansion of the fleet to zero-emission vehicles, the department plans to run this truck on an actual route after purchase, fully realizing its potential and any drawbacks that an all-electric vehicle would have on the solid waste operation. This would help in future decision making of applicability and feasibility.
4. Electric Vehicles (EV) get a larger funding amount compared to low NOx Natural Gas internal combustion-powered vehicles. Based on fleet size, the City would be eligible for up to 50% of the cost of the vehicle. The funding amount is anticipated to bring the cost of the EV truck in line, or below, the cost of a typical Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) truck that the City has purchased in the past, which makes up about 75% of its fleet.
The City of Santa Ana currently runs two Peterbilt 520EV trucks (the same truck being proposed by staff) on full recycling routes. The City’s contracted solid waste hauler reports that these trucks are reliable, and if any warranty work is needed, Peterbilt has been responsive in repairs. The truck is rated for an 80-100-mile range per day with 1,100 can pickups as an automated side-loader. The City of Santa Ana also states that their truck is able to perform large routes with many battery draining hills. The City of Visalia’s flat landscape may help increase this performance.
Staff is also continuing to explore zero-emission vehicle alternatives, such as hydrogen fuel cell technology. However, the development and availability of these vehicles in the heavy-duty market is still progressing. Staff hopes to do a similar pilot program in the future for comparison.
Charging Infrastructure
Due to this truck being a pilot project, staff is not recommending investing in electrical charging infrastructure at this time. Currently, the City’s Transit Department has an available charging port that may be used before making a larger investment. In order to be compensated for the electrical usage, KWh telemetry data from the EV truck will be reported to the Transit department to reimburse KW usage. This option has been tested by bringing the EV truck to the yard and ensuring that it can plug into the existing charging stations onsite.
Timeline for SJVAPCD Truck Replacement Program grant process:
1. City Council approval for grant application
2. Grant application is submitted
a. 60-day or less turnaround for contract to be completed with the Air Board
3. Return to Council with Air Board contract for approval of purchase
4. Purchase of truck
Fiscal Impact:
Because the Truck Replacement Program requires the replacement of an internal combustion engine that is 2016 or older, staff is requesting this authorization under the premise that the new EV solid waste truck will be taking the place of an already approved CIP budget replacement due for this fiscal year. But, in order to guarantee fleet reliability and integrity, the originally anticipated trucks to be purchased will still be procured, therefore increasing the number of purchased trucks from seven (7) to eight (8) trucks this year. Based on anticipated performance data provided by the manufacturer, staff believes that the EV truck should be able to perform on specific routes, but staff must ensure that daily operation isn’t impacted if unforeseen problems arise from this new technology. Instead of the above allocation of trucks scheduled to be purchased for replacement, staff is recommending the following:
(2) Commercial Front Loader CNG (VH0309)
(5) Residential Side Loader CNG (VH0305)
(1) Residential Side Loader EV (NEW)
This would most likely require an additional appropriation for the additional truck when staff returns with the approval to purchase. This amount will be determined when the final amount of the grant is finalized.
Prior Council Action: N/A
Other: N/A
Alternatives: Alternative #1: Adopt Resolution No. 2024-55 approving the application for a SJVAPCD Truck Replacement Program grant, but use the new EV truck to replace a scheduled replacement without buying an additional vehicle for fleet integrity. Alternative #2: Not adopt Resolution No. 2024-55 and not pursue the purchase an all-electric solid waste truck at this time.
Recommended Motion (and Alternative Motions if expected):
I move to Authorize the adoption of Resolution No. 2024-55 approving the application to the San Joaquin Valley Air Control Pollution District Truck Replacement Program to aid in the purchase of an all-electric solid waste vehicle.
Environmental Assessment Status: N/A
CEQA Review: N/A
Attachments: 1) Resolution 2024-55 2) SJVAPCD Truck Replacement Program application