Agenda Item Wording:
FEMA & CalOES Authorized Agents Approval - Approve Resolution 2024-53, renewing the position of City Manager and Assistant City Manager and adding the position of Finance Director as authorized agents for official correspondence with FEMA and CalOES.
Submitting Department: Fire Department
Contact Name and Phone Number: Battalion Chief Tom Van Grouw, 4265; Fire Chief Dan Griswold, x4220
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends that Council approve Resolution 2024-53 renewing the position of City Manager and Assistant City Manager and adding the position of Finance Director as authorized agents for official correspondence with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES).
Background Discussion:
FEMA and CalOES require that each local government agency have designated authorized agents for the purpose of filing official correspondence and renew the designation every 3 years. The designation allows for a timely exchange of information during times of disaster or during the process of hazard mitigation grants or recovery grants. The City of Visalia has designated 3 positions as Authorized Agents, City Manager (Leslie Caviglia), Assistant City Manager (John Lollis), and Finance Director (Renee Nagel). CalOES requires this process be approved by a governing body through resolution.
Fiscal Impact:
Prior Council Action: On 11/5/2018, Council approved resolution 2018-56 designating the position of City Manager (Randy Groom) and Assistant City Manager (Leslie Caviglia) as authorized agents for official correspondence with FEMA and CalOES. On 11/5/2021, Council approved resolution 2021-57 renewing the position of City Manager (Leslie Caviglia) and Assistant City Manager (Nick Mascia) as authorized agents for official correspondence with FEMA and CalOES.
Other: N/A
Alternatives: None
Recommended Motion (and Alternative Motions if expected):
I move to approve Resolution 2024-53, renewing the positions of City Manager and Assistant City Manager and adding the position of Finance Director as authorized agents for official correspondence with FEMA and CalOES.
Environmental Assessment Status: N/A
CEQA Review: N/A
Attachments: 1. City Resolution - 2024-53; 2. CalOES Form 130 - Designation of Applicant’s Agent Resolution