Agenda Item Wording:
Authorization to direct staff to appropriate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to the Transit Operations budget (4551), and to approve allocation requests up to $1,827,167.
Deadline for Action: None
Submitting Department: Administration - Transit
Contact Name and Phone Number:
Angelina Soper, Transit Manager Angelina.Soper@Visalia.City (559) 713-4591
Nick Mascia, Assistant City Manager Nick.Mascia@Visalia.City (559) 713-4323
Department Recommendation:
Direct staff to appropriate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to the Transit Operations budget (4551) in the amount of $1,827,167 and to submit allocation requests for operations costs up to $1,827,167 until funds are completely exhausted.
Background Discussion:
In the Fall of 2021, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced the American Rescue Plan Act’s (ARPA) Additional assistance funding to assist with costs related to COVID-19. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Visalia Transit was allocated these additional federal funds on top of our regular operations allocations from the FTA to supplement the City’s operational costs and assist with the unexpected expenses and revenue losses. These funds were apportioned through the regular 5307 operations assistant grant to Visalia based on the Urbanized area formula. These funds provided 132% of 2018 operating expenses when combined with previous CARES Act and CRRSAA funds. Expenses of $1,807,147 have already been incurred with a balance of $20,020 available for additional operational expenses.
Transit staff brought the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) funding as an informational item to Council back in May 2020 and Council authorized the appropriation of funds in July 2020. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds are in addition to the CARES funds previously awarded. Transit will use these funds for the following:
• Cover all operating and COVID-19 related expenses
o Additional staffing expenses for cleaning and sanitizing
o Additional safety equipment and products for staff, and drivers
• Supplement lost revenues due to COVID-19
Fiscal Impact:
These funds have been used to supplement the Transit operations budget.
Prior Council Action:
July 20th, 2020 Council approval of CARES funding in the amount of $13,048,019
Alternatives: N/A
Recommended Motion (and Alternative Motions if expected):
I move to authorize staff to appropriate ARPA funding in the amount of $1,827,167 to the Transit Operations Budget from the FTA and to approve the allocation requests up to $1,827,167 until funds are exhausted.
Environmental Assessment Status: N/A
CEQA Review: N/A
Attachments: None