Agenda Item Wording:
Fire Department Grant Application Authorization - Authorize staff to apply for the 2025 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) for the purchase of one set of battery powered extrication tools in the amount of $63,643.39, to accept the grant, and to appropriate $63,643.39 if the grant is awarded.
Deadline for Action: 11/18/2024
Submitting Department: Fire Department
Contact Name and Phone Number: Dan Griswold, x4220; Tom VanGrouw, x4265; Crissy Balderama, x4513
Department Recommendation:
Staff recommends City Council authorize personnel to apply for the 2025 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) for the purchase of one set of battery powered extrication tools in the amount of $63,643.39. Staff also recommends Council authorize staff to accept the grant and appropriate funds if awarded.
Background Discussion:
As a result of the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, the State of California, and the Department of Homeland Security developed programs to assist government agencies with emergency preparedness activities and/or equipment. Since 2001, Tulare County Office of Emergency Services has been the intermediate recipient of these funds, disbursing them to cities and other agencies based upon agency and area needs. One of these programs is the State Homeland Security Grant Program. The grant is submitted and managed by the Tulare County Office of Emergency Services. If the grant is awarded to the County, the County disburses funding among local agencies based upon needs in the operational area.
The Fire Department carries extrication tools on both fire engines and aerial apparatus. Fire engines carry a smaller combination tool that combines the customary spreader and cutter in one tool. Over the past few years, the department has successfully replaced older hydraulic units with gasoline powerplants from the engines with battery operated versions. Old tools were replaced through grant funding and CIP. Battery-operated tools require less maintenance, are lighter in weight, are more maneuverable and therefore are becoming the standard for fire service extrication tools. Rather than requiring personnel to start a gas-powered power plant, hook up hydraulic hoses to both the plant and the tools, evaluate if your hoses will reach from the fire truck to the damaged vehicle, and then begin efforts to remove victims, fire personnel simply grab the tool from the truck and take it to the seen for immediate work and regardless of the distance from the truck to the incident.
Where fire engines carry combination extrication tools, the fire department’s aerial apparatus carry heavy-duty extrication tools with greater spreading, cutting, and lifting capacity. These heavy-duty tools are carried on the aerial apparatus because the aerial apparatus carry rescue equipment and respond to vehicle accidents, vehicles into structure incidents, and other collapse/entrapment type calls where additional people and equipment are required. Rather than being a combination spreader/cutter in one tool, the heavy-duty tools are a separate cutter and spreader allowing both tools to be used at once. The current extrication tools are also powered by a gasoline powerplant using hydraulic fluid through hoses to the tools.
State Homeland Security Grant funding, if awarded, would get the Fire Department closer to the finish line for the replacement of antiquated tools on fire apparatus.
Fiscal Impact:
Staff is requesting to appropriate $63,643.39 from the General Fund to purchase one set of battery powered extrication tools if the grant is awarded. This amount will be reimbursed by State Office of Homeland Security and Tulare County Office of Emergency Services (OES).
Prior Council Action: N/A
Other: N/A
Alternatives: Deny the request to apply for the 2025 State Homeland Security Grant Program and consider this project during a future capital improvement program budget.
Recommended Motion (and Alternative Motions if expected):
I move to authorize personnel to apply for the 2025 State Homeland Security Grant Program for the purchase of one set of battery powered extrication tools in the amount of $63,643.39, authorize staff to accept the grant and appropriate $63,643.39 if awarded.
Environmental Assessment Status: N/A
CEQA Review: N/A
Attachments: 1. State Homeland Security Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity.